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STIKO Vaccinations (Vaccination Calendar) and Indicative Vaccination

To this day, vaccinations are the most effective measure for the prevention of illness. Even today, many illnesses entail risk and can often not be successfully treated. In such cases, only a vaccine offers your child the appropriate protection. The available vaccines are very well tolerated. Side effects are only apparent in very rare cases and the risk of serious illness through not receiving a vaccination is much greater.

When carrying out vaccinations, we are guided by the standards set down by the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) of the Robert Koch Institute. We are supporters and adherents of their guidelines and encourage you to likewise follow them. We are happy to advise you. Naturally, we will be guided by your questions and wishes and are always prepared to work with you. In this instance, please keep an eye on our links.

Advisory for Parental Vaccination

Vaccinations are not only important for children, but also for adults. Therefore, in our practice we offer a special advisory regarding booster vaccinations for parents and grandparents. Talk with us at your child/ grandchild’s next vaccination appointment and let us check your present vaccination status. Don’t forget to bring your vaccination card with you.