Sight and Hearing Tests
We can check sight and hearing with age-appropriate, play-based testing. For this purpose, we use the child-friendly Oculus H Test and Matsubara’s Colour Table. We also use the Speech and Audiometry Threshold “Pilot Test”, which proves extremely popular with children as they become “little pilots”.
A referral to a specialist follows if we deem it necessary or if you particularly wish.
As is the case in all paedeatric practices at present, Amblyopie screening with Plusoptrix is only available as an IGel service. We deliberately do not offer it at present. If you have questions on this matter, please feel free to approach us and ask!
If you have of a family history of problems in this area, we encourage you to make an early appointment with an opthamologist.
ECG and monitoring Blood Pressure
We can perform both blood pressure tests and ECGs at our practice. This is particularly important for children who, due to long-term medication or neuro-muscular illness, require regular monitoring of their heart function. Naturally, a referral to a paediatric cardiologist would be made, should it be seen as necessary.
Contact us! We have strong connections with a broad array colleagues working diagnostically in the fields of paediatric neurology and paediatric cardiology, both in Hanover itself and the broader region.
Lung Function Examination
To recognise changes in breathing patterns, we carry out a small lung function examination which is play-based and functions extremely well with small children. Your child needs to breathe in deeply and breathe out again as quickly as possible. It is made child-friendly through the use of a computer animation, whereby the child is required to blow out candles.
Through this we attain information about their oxygen absorption capacity and the speed with which they exhale. We can, thereby, identify a possible narrowing of the airways (windpipe) or limited lung volume. Also in this case, we can, if necessary, authorise a further pulmonary investigation and diagnosis by a specialist.
Check-ups and After Care
Regular check-ups play a significant role in ensuring the healthy development of your child. It is the most important factor in every child and adolescent practice. Check-ups serve to educate the child, and equally the parents, about prevention medicine, early diagnosis of illness and can also highlight developmental deficits in a timely manner.
In all check-ups, height, weight and head circumference are measured, plotted in a somatogram and compared with statistical norms. Through this process, suspected developmental anomalies are quickly identified. This early diagnosis investigation provides the chance to pick up on developmental abnormalities through targeted treatment and support. To complete the picture, the U6 parent-survey is also issued.
Check-ups are always a good opportunity for asking questions about your child’s development. To facilitate this, it is often helpful to write any questions ahead of time so that you don’t forget anything.
Due to the width and breadth of a check-up, we can effectively accompany and treat children from the time of birth, right through to early adulthood. The U1 – U9 and J1 Check-Ups are covered by all health insurance companies, U10 and U11 and J2 are covered by all private insurance and, in part, by the statutory insurance companies.
We are well informed as to which health insurance companies are part of the Check-Up programme of the Professional Association of Paediatric and Adolescent doctors (BVK). You are welcome to ask for our advice and assistance.
Premature and sick new born babies sometimes require particular aftercare assistance upon being released from hospital. This is also a service we can offer you in our practice. Through many years’ experience in the neonatal area, Dr Neumann has developed a particularly good grasp of the concerns facing young parents. With his specialisation in neonatal care, he has also provided psychological leadership for parent-groups.
We are happy to coordinate your various examinations or to oversee it personally. In most instances, we can also offer you sonography directly in the practice.
We are happy to carry out the U2 for healthy new-borns who have been released early from the Obstetrics clinic. This can be performed in the peaceful setting of our “quiet room”.
Our good collaborative work with the midwives and neonatal specialists of Wunstorf and the broader region, plays an extremely important role for us.